Morning Gratitude

Thank you Lord for this sunrise over the hospital roof. For the trees in silhouette. For the big, kind hearted man sleeping in the hospital bed.

Thank you for the way you provide every day. For all of the beautiful serendipitous things that have made it so that he is still here. Sleeping and breathing rhythmically in the dim room.
Thank you for heart surgeons and vascular surgeons and infection specialists. For nurses that come and do what they can to ease the suffering and make him comfortable. Thank you for the people who clean the room, and bring the food and all of the million chores in a hospital. All of them stopping to chat with him. Because he loves to chat and tell stories and … connect. Things that he has in common with his wife.

We want so much for this to be the last time. So that we can go back to our fun life on our lake and he can enjoy his time again. So grateful that he is still here.

Still planning to be at the Heritage days art show on October 21 and 22nd. Hope we see you there.



You Just Never Know


Trying something different