Shining Eyes

I recently came across this amazing poem by Robert Frost, who happens to be my favorite poet. It just so completely describes the way I feel when I see a collection of little buildings or a village, with the lights all lit up on a dark, cold night. I have often attempted to paint that feeling. The second photo below is of an older work I did for a friend of mine who’s husband was confined to a wheel chair by MS. Her name is Mary.

They had a favorite puzzle they used to do together as a family. It had a couple walking down a village street holding hands. Mary wanted something like that, but with the man in a wheelchair. I painted it for her, and she gave it to Bob as a gift. I am told that he kept it where he could see it, and enjoyed it very much. And now that Bob is gone, the family really enjoys it each year during the Christmas season.And there you have it. Not a great photo of the piece, because it was a while ago, and I was not very good at getting photos of my work. This is a copy of a photo that a friend took of this painting at Mary’s house.

But it is definitely an example of glowing windows and happy people living in them. Or “Shining eyes” as Mr. Frost put it.

I just can’t get enough of that. And I can’t seem to ever completely portray it as I want. I can guarantee that there will be more coming very soon.

The first photo is of a more recent painting. It is a small work that is being sold at the Missouri Made Store in Cole Camp Missouri. If you are local, you should go check it out. It is an 8 x 10 oil on paper. It’s matted and framed, and this one is going for $45.00.

This is not the final painting. The reflections are wrong. And they are much better in the final piece. But once again, I did not get a final photo of the painting before I took it out to my friend Beth at 105 East Main Street, Cole Camp, MO. You can contact her at if you are interested in some of my smaller works of art, or my coffee mugs or reproductions of some of my work. There are a couple other Christmas paintings out there as well. You can find her on Facebook at Missouri Made Shop and Comfort Cafe.

Anyway. Enjoy Good Hours by Robert Frost.

Blessings to you all at Christmas my friends.

"Good Hours" by Robert Frost

I had for my winter evening walk—

No one at all with whom to talk,

But I had the cottages in a row

Up to their shining eyes in snow.

And I thought I had the folk within:

I had the sound of a violin;

I had a glimpse through curtain laces

Of youthful forms and youthful faces.

I had such company outward bound.

I went till there were no cottages found.

I turned and repented, but coming back

I saw no window but that was black.

Over the snow my creaking feet

Disturbed the slumbering village street

Like profanation, by your leave,

At ten o’clock of a winter eve.


Keeping Company


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