Why am I even here?

Hey Kids-

Well the day has finally come. My web site is up and running thanks to my son Nathan Stovall. I do have a few changes that I plan to make soon, but for the most part, we are ready. Thank you Nate!

I think I am a little unique in the art world, in that my goal is not really just to sell art to make money. Although money is good. It has many uses. First and foremost I am here to display the beauty of God to the world. And to fulfill my assignment from Jesus. For more info on that click the My Story button on the home page.

But another thing I do, with my art, is use it to support various charities. I will be adding a page soon with links to my favorite charities that I donate to. I have a plan to paint at least one piece a year, and donate it for auction to at least one charity. I think that is a low goal, and I will probably do more. But I figure I might as well set myself up for success.

This year, my chosen charity is the 611 Network. They are an organization that is working to end the scourge of human trafficking in our time. Great folks. Anthony, and Sydney his right hand, and their team are so passionate and inspiring. Check them out at 611network.org.

Anyway, I’m sure my ruminations will be much more weighty in the future. But I wanted to reach out to all of you, and say Hi! And invite you to check out my site. Lorigilmoreart.com.

I feel so privileged and happy that I get to paint and share my work with others. What a beautiful assignment I have been given. As Psalm 16:6 says “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places. Indeed, my inheritance is beautiful!”

Talk to you soon I hope



Tomorrow is the Day!