The Great Romantic

I recently went to bible study, and I heard a sermon about Jesus' return very soon. The pastor used that section of scripture where Jesus says that many will call him Lord, Lord, but he will say he never knew them. And of course the pastor said "make sure Jesus knows you". So it got me thinking. I asked myself " how do you know that Jesus knows you? " It bothered me a lot. So I asked the Lord to show me evidence that he knows me as a reassurance. Wow. Is he ever faithful to answer those questions.

So I got several things.

1. He reminded me of how much I have changed from the person I used to be. He whispered, " do you think you did that on your own?" And He and I both know that I did not.

2. He reminded me of the scripture where Jesus says "no one comes to me unless the father draws him. John 6:44. He said "do you think you wanted me by yourself? Or do you think the Father drew you?"

3. He reminded me of the scripture where Jesus says that those who the father gives him can never be snatched out of his hand. And incidentally he gives them eternal life as well. , John 10:28. So, God drew me to Jesus, I wanted Jesus, and no one can take me away from him.

4. He reminded me of the scripture where Jesus promises that whoever comes to him, he will never reject. John 6:37.

So, the fact that I even wanted him is evidence that he wanted me. And the fact that I came to him is my security that he knows me. Praise god. He also reminded me of when I was a little girl how I loved the part of the fairy tales where the prince says to the princess. You belong to me. You are mine. I wanted to belong to Someone. And that Someone was Jesus. And now I do. So even then, early in my life, He was calling me. Oh my heart.

And incidentally I'm grateful that I knew those scriptures. The thing that worried me was out of the mouth of Jesus. And the things that comforted me were ... you guessed it... out of the mouth of Jesus. I didn't know the reference, I had to look that up. But I knew that Jesus said those things. And Holy Spirit was able to bring them to my mind when I needed them.

So... if there is a part of your heart that wants to belong to Someone, you can. And the fact that you want to is evidence that He wants you too. Just tell him. I guarantee that He is waiting. Holding His breath. Hoping that you will come.


Oops I need to retract a statement.


Iā€™m Goin to THE SHOW