I’m Goin to THE SHOW

I’m pretty excited about some of the lovely things going on in my studio lately,.

As some of you may remember, I have been anxiously waiting to get going again on my art. Well we are finally here in our new home, and I am finally in my new studio, and painting like a crazy woman. I have so many images in my brain stored up from the long dry spell, that I have 3-4 pieces on my easel at the same time these days.

And what is also very exciting for me, is that there is a local art scene here in Warsaw, and I have made some friends among the artists. And God seems to be ready for me to get a bit more serious about creating and sharing my art with community. The local veterinarian, even brought his wife and daughter to my home and bought two large paintings from me right in my living room. Thanks Dr Alkantara!

So long story short… I have entered myself into a local art and craft fair. It’s called Heritage Days. There is an active group of artists in this town, and I have a feeling I am going to thrive here.

And it is even possible, that I may be introduced to the owner of a local gallery, and they may be interested in letting some of my work hang in their space. More on that soon I hope.

You can see in the thumbnail, photo, that I got myself some new equipment. I got some great metal cabinets from Hobby Lobby and I got some display racks for my work so I can bring it where I need to and have the ability to hang it up.

Funny story about that. When I first started painting again back in 2014, I went to an art fair in Boise. I purchased a couple of display racks and some tables and business cards and dove right in. Well, it was a long, hot day with very few visitors, except for this one annoying man who felt the need to come to my booth and loudly critique my work all day. It was pretty discouraging for a fledgling artist, and I decided that I did not want to spend my weekends or my money like that while I still had a boy to raise and so much going on in my life. So I took those display racks, and I put them in my garden as supports for my climbing roses. I recently sold that house and the display racks stayed there.

Fast forward seven years and I am ready to retire, and lo and behold, I now feel ready to maybe move ahead in the art community here in my new home town. So… you guessed it. I had to buy those very same display racks all over again. Lesson learned. Storage is maybe a good thing.

I can’t express enough, how grateful I am, for the gift of painting and the beauty of the earth, and the friendly folks in Warsaw Missouri.

Here’s to what’s next!


The Great Romantic

