
So we are finally in our new home, and I am in my NEW STUDIO! I am so excited to get out some of my old work, and to begin painting once again.

The time in Emmett was so full of emotion and inspiration that I feel like I will just burst with all of the images I want to put down in oil. I also learned a small amount about water color, and I may be messing with that medium more in the future.

I have so missed being creative while I was away from my art supplies. And I have missed reaching out to all of you as well.

There are still lots of boxes and bags of stuff and the house is not completely organized at this point. But we are now in our new home, and I can find my toothbrush and my undies so I should be able to paint soon.

So things will be kicking off again here any moment. Now… if I could just find my easels.

***Check out my New Studio page under Original Paintings for some pics of the space. ***


I’m Goin to THE SHOW


Water Color number 2